Our S-5-E Clamp is secured with our patented round-point setscrews without piercing the metal roof panel, thereby preserving the roof manufacturer's warranty
Our patented round point setscrews will slightly dimple the metal seam material but will not puncture it, leaving roof manufacturer weather tightness warranties intact
S-5-E and S-5-E Mini Clamps are furnished with the stainless steel hardware
Each box also includes a bit tip for tightening setscrews
A structural aluminum attachment clamp, our S-5!® Clamps are compatible with most common metal roofing materials excluding copper
Both types regular and mini clamp sizes have been tested for load-to-failure results on a variety of double-folded standing seam roofs, from leading manufacturers of panels and panel-forming machines
Our S-5-E Mini Clamp is a bit shorter than our standard S-5-E Clamp and has one setscrew rather than two
S-5-E Mini Clamps are the choice for attaching all kinds of rooftop accessories: signs, walkways, satellite dishes, antennas, rooftop lighting, lightning protection systems, solar arrays, exhaust stack bracing, conduit, condensate lines, mechanical equipment
Comparable strength to S-5!® U Clamp or S-5!® V but at a lower cost
Compatible with Butler’s MR-24® it is a non-penetrating clamp for butler MR24 roof panels and other tightly double-folded, standing seam metal roof profiles that are popular in USA and Europe
S-5-E works perfectly withS-5!® Snow Retention Systems and other heavy-duty applications
Two T-30 Torx round-point setscrews (Torx bit tip provided)
One M8 bolt included
S-5-E Mini
Comparable strength to S-5!® U & V Minis but at a lower cost
Compatible with the Butler MR-24 Roof System
Light and medium-duty applications, such as utility mounting
Ideal for solar mounting applications
Smaller than the standard S-5-E
One T-30 Torx round-point setscrew (Torx bit tip provided)