S-5-N | S-5-N Mini
S-5!® N Clamps were designed with patented S-5!® zero-penetration technology for application on the popular 1" nail strip metal roof profiles
Our clamp design design boasts a wider throat that accommodates Canadian nail strip profiles, minimizing the need to field crimp
S-5-N Mini clamps are a bit narrower than our standard S-5-N clamps and have one setscrew rather than two
Our mini version is the choice for attaching all kinds of rooftop accessories: signs, walkways, satellite dishes, antennas, rooftop lighting, lightning protection systems, solar arrays, exhaust stack bracing, conduit, condensate lines, mechanical equipment
- Designed for use on 1” nail strip metal roof panels
- Angled wall with nose permits the clamp to fully engage the triangular-shaped profiles, providing the best holding strength possible
- Heavy-duty applications like snow retention
- Two T-30 Torx round-point setscrews (Torx bit tip provided)
- One M8 bolt included
S-5-N Mini
- Designed for use on 1” nail strip metal roof panels
- Angled wall with nose permits the clamp to engage the triangular-shaped profiles during the installation process
- For light and medium-duty applications, such as solar and other utilities
- Smaller than the standard S-5-N
- One T-30 Torx round-point setscrew (Torx bit tip provided)
- No M8 bolt included